On making conscious choices

Oh, hey stranger. Been a minute. I still haven't fully figured out exactly how/what/when with this blog thing, so expect large chunks of no new posts.


It seems there's a rising of thought, a general shifting in perspective and priorities. The larger circle I travel in looks like we're all having similar shifts, but to individual degrees.

Home vegetable gardening, herbal medicine, foraging foods, etc., are in an upswing. And it looks like this has a much different tone than the more recent homesteading trend roughly a decade ago. It's less like a quiet opting out to go be hardcore individuals, more like a collective middle finger and declaration that the offered choices are shit so we're gonna go create our own. There's a revolutionary feel to much of these shifts.

Of course, some are more immediately corrupted than others by the consumer machine. Many people are making false first steps in areas like zero waste by purchasing all new things and throwing out the "offending" (but still usable) items.

Ya know, because we're a capitalist society and making money is the most important part, right?

The issue is that the folks succumbing so easily to these false first steps are just replacing one unconscious decision with another. There is no critical evaluation before deciding. There is no scrutinizing of the thing and comparing it to how you actually live your life. It's falling prey, once again, to the lie that if you just buy this thing, you're a good person whose dreams will come true and everybody will love you forever and ever.

And there are so, so many factors behind all that zombie-like behavior. Things like how society and the economy are engineered to discourage patience, temporary discomfort, and boredom, just to name a few.

Look. Nobody is going to have a decision-making process that looks exactly like anyone else's. But, being present in your decisions, and making them based on how you live is the better first step. Fighting lifelong conditioning is endlessly difficult. But, it's totally possible.

I hope you allow yourself to take a moment to closely examine your decisions and how you're living your life. And then, more importantly, commit to taking action to make any changes that you need to.

There's a saying floating around that goes something like "you only give up when you stop trying." Please, don't give up.

