The dynamic human, being

Welcome! I hope you're doing well today.

Humans are not static; so far, nothing in the universe is. The very act of being alive, growing up, growing old, are testaments to our dynamic state. Our bodies, priorities, and beliefs all change- given enough time and space to do so.

So... why is this here?

Partially to satisfy my personal need for navel gazing, but mostly because I hope that by recording my thoughts and providing useful (I hope) resources, I can help other people figure out how to look objectively at their life and remake it into the life they actually want.

I'm just getting started in this whole process myself, honestly. Where, exactly, this blog-thing will end up going, I don't know. But, I have ideas and plans (if I can just persist in pursuing them long term. heh) that I'm excited to see develop.

Yeah, self-improvement and minimalism are all the rage right now. But, maybe it's a visible portion of something larger happening. Hopefully it's a positive change.

Anyway, I hope you keep an eye on this space while I get my act together behind the scenes. Fingers crossed the initial stages aren't horribly awkward and frustrating.


